Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another New Family Member...

Okay...I was happy with having a fish...very little maintenance and it doesn't cry at night. On Friday Kyle calls me at work...which never happens...and tells me he has a surprise for me. I thought "Yeah...he finally has the romance thing happening and is going to do something sweet!" Then he tells me that he found a puppy at work. He says that he is bringing it home for Kendall. Don't get me wrong....I like dogs....but we do have a newborn that I am still not sure we can afford. The timing was all wrong. He repeatedly reminds me that if we take it to the pound they will gas it...which he describes in detail....and then continues to remind me that it is free, and that Kendall will love it. He was right about Kendall loving it....not about the free part. This "free" puppy has cost us almost $200 up to this point. To top it off, Addison slept all night Friday and Saturday....but we were up with the puppy. Can I not catch a break? I woke up Sunday ready to call the pound, but Kendall is so attached and I kinda like the little guy too....so he is staying. I told Kyle that he would have to get up with him every night...which is starting to wear on him.....which is kinda funny. Kendall named the dog Calvin. He was 5 weeks old and 1.5 pounds when Kyle found him. He is a boxer mixed with who knows what. Here are some pics of the new puppy and a picture of Addison who is 9 weeks old today......wow time sure does fly when you don't have time to breathe.

Calvin and Kendall

Miss Addy playing with her bug

She still doesn't get the concept of a small smile....it's all teeth!

The cute little money pit!!

Calvin just had his first bath and Kendall wanted to keep him warm...she can be so sweet when she wants to be!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Family Member

We finally made the decision this weekend to get Kendall a pet. Kyle begged for a dog....a big dog....and I voted for no pets. We compromised and got a beta fish. Kendall was excited for about the first 20 minutes, and now she doesn't pay him a whole lot of attention. His name is Nemo....which I am sure is a very common fish name. I tried to tell her that Nemo is a boy and is orange, and our fish is a girl and is blue...so Nemo wasn't a great name...but she insisted so we have a female fish called Nemo. We found a really cool fish bowl that hangs on the wall, so we put him in her room. She talks to him occasionally and is proud to show him off to anyone who comes over. I know that it is good for her to have something to take care of. Kyle is really wanting a dog...a rottweiler to be exact. I just can't stand the thought of dodging dog poop every time I go in the backyard. Not to mention food and vet bills. I can barely afford the kids that I have!!:) I will post some pictures later of Nemo.
Today is my first day back at work and it was hard to leave the girls. Why can't I just win the lottery and stay home forever!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sick Again?!?!

I think that I am going to live in a bubble for the next month to avoid all possible germs. Kendall started coughing again last night and has a runny nose again. It looks like she is getting another cold! I thought when I went on maternity leave that I was going to get to enjoy my kids and get to know Addison. All we have done is fight colds and wipe noses.
Kendall did have a pretty exciting moment this morning. I had jumped in the shower and she came into the bathroom with her pajamas already off. She loves to be naked so I assumed she had just taken them off because she was tired of wearing them. She told me she pee peed (not sure how to spell that) and I assumed she meant in her diaper. She wanted me to come to her bathroom so I did. She had taken her pajamas off, pulled down her diaper, peed in the potty, wiped, and pulled her diaper back up all by herself!! I was so excited. She has been going to the potty on and off for a while now, but never totally on her own. I was very proud!
Maybe she will be trained in the next few weeks so that I only have to keep one kid in diapers. Why is something so necessary so expensive?
Well here are some pictures from Christams and some random ones of the girls.

Kendall and Mommy making cookies for Santa.

Kendall on Christmas morning.

Kendall and Mommy playing with Kendalls new flutes.
Kendall and Addison watching Dora.