Friday, December 14, 2007

Here We Go AGAIN!!

What a week! We have all been sick, which is hard enough. I took Kendall to the Doctor on Tuesday and they told me that it was just a cold and not to worry. She got worse...I took her back today and they tell me she has an ear infection in both ears, a sinus infection, and she tested positive for RSV, a severe respiratory infection. I had to leave Addison with my Mom for the weekend because she can't be around Kendall. They said that if Addison ends up with it, she will most likely end up in the hospital with a ventilator....that is not what you want to hear about your child! Pray for me please!!!! Hopefully everyone will be well before Santa's big visit.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh Crystal I'm so sorry to hear that you guys have had another round of mess there. I will pray for healing and that little Miss Addison doesn't get any of the stuff. I know it's probably hard having to leave her at your mom's too. Let me know when you guys are feeling better.